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Monday, November 6, 2017

Check out the Fire Library

Have you heard about the Fire Library? 
The Wildland Fire Library is a collection of long-term assessments, fire progressions, fire behavior reports, and other documents and resources to support fire modeling and assessment of long-duration fires. Each file is tied to some event with a location, a start date, and background information.
Event locationsfile attachments, and remarks are optional, but because events can represent many things, every event needs one tag to indicate document type:
Progression Fire Progressions
WindWizard WindWizard Library (KMLs)
FireWeather Critical Fire Weather
LTA Long-term Assessments
SeasonEnd Season-ending Analyses
SPP Structure Protection Plans
FireDanger Fire Danger & PocketCards
Report Reports, Reviews, & Case Studies
Burnover Fatalities or Entrapments (Burnovers)
Note Fire Modeling & LCP Calibration Notes
The main map shows all events by tag-derived category. You can also browse the full list and, if something is missing, login to add your own document.
This site is operated by Rick Stratton and Jim Edmonds at USFS Pacific NW and Alaska Regions and BLM OR/WA State Office.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Webinar - Interagency Coordination to Meet Multiple Objectives: An Effective Approach to Wildfire

Nov 1, 2017 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Mountain Time
Sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium
Presented by Shaula Hedwall, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Wesley Hall, Coconino National Forest
While the number of acres burned annually by uncharacteristic wildfire continues to grow, it is becoming exceedingly important for agencies to identify opportunities to use wildfire to meet multiple land management and resource objectives.  When conditions allow for unplanned ignitions to be managed for one or more of these objectives, it may be appropriate to use wildfire during the peak of the traditional fire season.  Management response to wildland fire on federal lands is based on objectives established in the applicable Land/Resource Management Plan and/or Fire Management Plan.  Objectives are affected by changes in fuels, weather, topography; varying social understanding and tolerance; and involvement of other governmental jurisdictions having different missions and objectives.  Coordination with resource specialists and development of mutually agreed to objectives is fundamental to being successful in achieving land and resource objectives with wildfire.  We will discuss recommendations for implementing this process using case studies incorporating Mexican spotted owl management objectives into wildfire management and post-fire monitoring.
To register, click HERE.

Original Announcement is here:

Give your input: NIROPS Program for fire perimeter mapping (Due 12/20)

Forest Service Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) has identified the need to define requirements, capabilities, and methodology to integrate existing and new fire imaging technology into fire operations and decision support.  Fire imaging technology is playing an increasing role to support wildland fire management operations and decision making.  For decades the wildland fire community has primarily relied on the Forest Service National Infrared Operations program (NIROPS) to provide fire perimeter mapping using infrared imagery, however additional fixed wing, rotor wing, and satellite platforms with day and night capabilities are becoming available. 

The purpose of this questionnaire is to help determine how firefighters, fire managers, Incident Management Teams, and Agency Administrators use fire imaging products for tactical, strategic, or decision support, what information they need fire imaging to provide, when do they need it, how often, what format, etc. 

Your response to these questions will assist FAM with establishing fire imaging requirements so we can solicit Requests For Information with other governmental agencies, universities, or private contractors.  If you would like to participate in the questionnaire please complete the form by Dec 20, 2017.  Responses will be compiled and reviewed by Forest Service WO-FAM to guide how we proceed in the future. 

Thank you for your participation.  If questions, please contact Evans Kuo at or 208-866-8548.


Evans Kuo
Operations Section Chief
Forest Service
WO-FAM-National Incident Management Organization
c: 208-866-8548
Caring for the land and serving people

Mobile GIS Training Nov 14-16

Mobile GIS is a new technology-based training the region is putting on this year, mobile GIS is a 3 day webinar, Nov 14-16, which will cover wildland fire technologies including Avenza PDF maps, AGOL, Collector, Google Earth and Google Apps.  There will be demonstration and hands on practice with current and emerging technologies.  There will also be a panel discussion identifying field needs, collaboration, and limitations.  Sounds like a good opportunity to help support and provide feedback for future direction.

Even though this training will be fire-centric, use of these tools are current and emerging technology for use on the district/forest too.

They are accepting late nominations and have a capacity of 99 attendees. I will be using the big screen in the SO conference room to share the class if anyone wants to train group-style or is only available for part of the class time period.

(second option down)

Please forward as appropriate.

Forest Service Shield
Vicki Stephens
Forest Fire Ecologist
Forest Service
Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
p: 406-683-3920
Caring for the land and serving people

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thank You 2016 Mentees

The Wildland Fire Management RD&A hosted three mentees for two week assignments during the summer of 2016. These individuals played a critical in helping WFM RD&A to support incident's use of WFDSS, fire modeling, and decision support. The following individuals provided exceptional support to the field.

Casey Teske
NPS Grand Canyon National Park

Casey provided large fire decision support to the Forest Service in the Rocky Mountain GACC. This includes advising on decision content, seasonal fuels and weather condition assessments, and fire behavior analysis. Casey also participated in daily morning briefings for the regional FAM staff and weekly briefings to the Regional Forester and AD’s. These briefings required Casey to gather and compile fire situation information as well as weather and outlook information and present this information to the regional Fire Planner and to the groups themselves. In addition to support at the regional level Casey also provided in-depth support to several incidents. Incident support included season end date analysis, seasonal assessments and fire behavior and growth analysis.

Daron Reynolds
USFS Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests

Daron provided WFDSS decision support to Region 2. Including advising units on decision content in WFDSS on emerging incidents as well as providing a critique and advice on decision content after the fact to improve future decisions. Daron also ran a few fire behavior analyses in support of emerging incidents as well as providing advice on existing analysis and how to improve those in the future.

As part of providing support to the Rocky Mountain Region Daron provided morning situational briefings to the regional FAM staff and weekly briefings to the Regional Forester and AD’s. These briefings required Daron to gather and compile fire situation information as well as weather and outlook information and present this information to the groups using graphics. Daron developed a spreadsheet with formulas to allow him to enter each day’s data and the sheet would calculate change from the previous day. Staff was most interested in trends. In addition to these other duties Daron also provided some WFDSS overview training to several people.

Sean McEldery
BLM Southern Nevada District Office

During Sean’s mentee tour he worked as a GSAN on a fire assignment to support fires in Region 2. Sean assisted the Pike San Isabel NF and USFS Regional Office in Denver, CO with analysis, decision support, presentations and documentation for the Hayden Pass, Beaver Creek, Arden, White Peak, and Lava Mountain Fires. Sean maintained a positive attitude throughout and was always eager and willing to take on any task assigned. He was adaptable with each situation and always able to produce quality products in a timely fashion. His wealth of knowledge with T & E, NEPA, GIS, along with persistence allowed him to organize and provide key information needed in developing incident decisions, long term products, fire behavior modeling and spatial fire planning. Sean also did an excellent job documenting, making recommendations, and assisting with after action review information for the region.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the mentees!

~WFM RD&A Staff