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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Positive Feedback for Spatial Fire Management Plans in WFDSS

To WFM RD&A-- I like it...very nice way to spatially articulate a Forest Plan. Because we had the time we drew a big enough Planning areas so we could TEST our stuff. We didn't go into MAPs but from what was coming up in Strategic Objectives and Management requirements, it looked good. No need to grab the Forest Plan and go surfing anymore whistling "now what does the forest plan say again???"
It is all right there at your finger tips.  And feedback from the Line Officer was positive as well. In short, I like it.   

Feedback from Mike Goicoechea, Forest Fire Management Officer on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest in Montana (R1)

Monday, August 12, 2013

WFM RD&A Welcomes detailer Trevor Miller

Trevor Miller, a fuels technician on the Deschutes National Forest, has joined the Wildland Fire Management RD&A for a 5-week virtual detail.  He started August 5th and will continue through September 7th.  Trevor previously worked with the RD&A as a mentee in 2011 and is now a qualified Long Term Analyst (LTAN).  As a detailer, he will function as a member of the RD&A staff, completing the detail virtually from his home duty station in Sisters, OR and traveling to support fires as needed.  He will assist the RD&A by providing decision and fire behavior support to incidents during a busy part of fire season in the west.  Trevor will also work on current on-going projects with RD&A staff.  Welcome Trevor!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

RD&A uses Detailers to Accomplish Fuels Work

Annie Benoit
Two long duration detailers have been brought on board to assist the Wildland Fire Management RD&A with fuels related work.  Annie Benoit, a Fuels Technician on the Idaho City Ranger District, Boise National Forest has been working for the RD&A since January 2013.  As a Fuels Technician she writes and reviews burn plans, identifies and implements fuels treatments, and manages GIS and monitoring databases. Annie functions as an ICT4 and RXB2 on forest, as well as a SITL (t) on a Great Basin type II team. She also supports the Great Basin Training Unit teaching several classes each year. While working for the RD&A, Annie assists Kim Ernstrom with Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) and Landfire related projects, including consolidating and re-working the helpdesk database. She is also testing and reviewing beta versions of online training materials, developing training modules to be included in S-390/Rx-341, and researching and summarizing various planning efforts. Annie's detail will continue through September.

Liz Struhar

Liz Struhar, Fire Planning Specialist for the National Park Service Southeast Region, began her detail with the RD&A July 1st. As a planning specialist she supports parks with Fire Management Plan revisions, contracts, Wilderness Minimum Requirements Analyses and Environmental Compliance needs. She also works with budget allocation models and provides some wildfire decision support assistance to parks.  Liz will work for the RD&A through August.  She will be working virtually out of Atlanta for the majority of her detail, but worked from our offices in Boise for two weeks in July. Liz will be working on the WFM RD&A Fuels Resource Portal (a website) and the Fuels Treatment Effectiveness project. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another Mentee in the WFM RD&A Program

We are still catching up on posting our recent mentee profiles. Anne Birkholz, a fire planner for the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, worked with us for a 2-week mentee assignment July 1st- 13th.  Anne is a qualified Geospatial Analyst (GSAN) and Geographic Information System Specialist trainee (GISSt).  She had an opportunity to build upon her already strong skill set with regards to WFDSS, decision-making and fire behavior analysis. She reviewed a draft NPS Line Officer Guide and provided recommendations for changes to both content and structure, reviewed the Rocky Mountain Center's website and suggested changes to improve the site's visibility to the fire management community as well as ways to increase its usefulness, and also reviewed WFDSS training videos and made suggestions for additions, changes and improvements.  Anne assisted with initial work on an RD&A Common Operating Picture (COP).  Her eye for critical detail was a tremendous asset, and her contributions to each individual project will go a long way in improving RD&A products and services.  Anne also provided analysis support for the West Fire located within the El Malpais National Monument in western New Mexico. Thanks, Anne, for all your detail-oriented work!

Sara Savage Participates in our Mentee Program

WFM RD&A Mentee Program

Sara Savage, a Fuels Specialist on the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, worked with the Wildland Fire Management RD&A for a 2 week mentee assignment July 15th- 27th.  Sara is a qualified Geospatial Analyst (GSAN) and Long Term Analyst trainee (LTANt).  Sara supported 6 fires in 3 geographic areas (Northern Rockies and Western & Eastern Great Basin) while working for the RD&A: Pine Creek, Gold Pan, Wieland, Bear Lake, Ridge, and Crescendo.  She provided FSPro, Near Term, and Short Term analysis products.  Sara reviewed the Rocky Mountain Center's website and suggested changes to improve the site's visibility to the fire management community as well as ways to increase its usefulness.  She also provided feedback/review of the Forest Service Line Officer Desk Reference for Fire Program Management and began working on an FSPro validation project.  She did a great job and we enjoyed working with her...thanks, Sara!