Have you heard about the Fire Library?
The Wildland Fire Library is a collection of long-term assessments, fire progressions, fire behavior reports, and other documents and resources to support fire modeling and assessment of long-duration fires. Each file is tied to some event with a location, a start date, and background information.
Event locations, file attachments, and remarks are optional, but because events can represent many things, every event needs one tag to indicate document type:
Progression Fire Progressions
WindWizard WindWizard Library (KMLs)
FireWeather Critical Fire Weather
LTA Long-term Assessments
SeasonEnd Season-ending Analyses
SPP Structure Protection Plans
FireDanger Fire Danger & PocketCards
Report Reports, Reviews, & Case Studies
Burnover Fatalities or Entrapments (Burnovers)
Note Fire Modeling & LCP Calibration Notes
The main map shows all events by tag-derived category. You can also browse the full list and, if something is missing, login to add your own document.
This site is operated by Rick Stratton and Jim Edmonds at USFS Pacific NW and Alaska Regions and BLM OR/WA State Office.