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Monday, February 12, 2018

Agency Administrator Annual Fire Decision-Making Refresher webinar

* Update 2/27/18, 1600hrs: We just checked and are able to access the Registration from the USFS network on both Chrome and Internet Explorer. If you are still having issues, please call the number on the announcement, thanks!

*Update 2/27/18: It has come to our attention that the Registration link has not been accessible from the USFS network since 2/22/18. The link is not broken; you can access it and Register using your government email if you are OFF the network (any internet connection that is not on VPN). You can forward the link to your personal email as long as you also copy the email to your government email account to comply with policy. We apologize for this inconvenience--we are troubleshooting this problem with the CIO USFS HelpDesk. We've tested the GoToWebinar interface and you will be able to join the meeting from your government computer using the link in your government email on the USFS network. This issue does not affect DOI users.

Please join us on March 14, 10-11MDT for a refresher webinar that will cover fire decision-making. The session will be recorded and can be counted as one hour toward the recommended two-hour annual refresher for line officers. The attached flyer is just a poster, so use this link to register unless you received the flyer via email (in which it does have a 'live' link):